Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Education FAQs
What types of training opportunities are provided for the NCAMC membership?
Certification training, special one-day workshops, Master Municipal Clerk Academies, and the NCAMC Annual Conference are offered to members. Visit the Education page for details.
Am I required to be a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) before I can attend training?
No, however, you must have been a member of the IIMC for a minimum of two years before you can apply for the Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation. If you are entering the CMC program, you are strongly encouraged to apply for IIMC membership.
How can I find out more about online or distance learning opportunities?
Many distance learning opportunities exist for municipal clerks. Visit the Distance Education page to learn more.
Are there scholarships available to help me attend training and conferences?
Yes, there are more opportunities than you might imagine. Visit the Scholarships page for all the details.
May I attend a Master Municipal Clerk Academy even if I have not been accepted into the MMC program?
Yes. If you are currently working towards a CMC designation, you will receive education points for attending a one day MMC Academy. If you are working towards Recertification you will receive education hours. Members who have been accepted into the MMC program will receive education points per session. For specific points information, please visit the IIMC website.
Who can answer my questions about certification points?
If you have questions regarding points from clerk courses (annual conference, regional meetings, January school), these should be directed to Carla Stowe at SOG 919/843-8176 or cstowe@sog.unc.edu. If you have taken other classes/sessions and you are unsure if they are applicable or how many points should be allotted, contact Ashley DiBlasi at IIMC 909/944-4162 or ashley@iimc.com.
2. Membership FAQs
What are the benefits of membership?
There are numerous benefits to being a member of the NCAMC. Visit the membership page for additional information
How do I become a member?
Complete the application and send it in with the appropriate dues. Additional information can be found on the membership page.
How do I change my membership information, such as my mailing address?
Contact John Phelps, North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM), at jphelps@nclm.org or by phone (919) 715-3920.
What are Regions and Districts?
The NCAMC has delineated the State into four Regions and 12 Districts. To determine your Region and District, look for the name of the County where your city or town is located on the District Map.
As a member, will I have to attend any meetings?
Business meetings for the membership are held twice per year, once at the City and County Clerk School and again at the NCAMC Annual Conference. All members are encouraged to attend; however, it is not mandatory.
How often do the Officers and the Board of Directors meet, and how will I know what decisions the Board makes on behalf of the members?
The Board meets quarterly in Raleigh at the NCLM Building. Meeting dates are available on the events/calendar page. The President provides an overview of decisions and an update on projects and initiatives via the monthly Minute by Minute Newsletter.
If both the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk are members of the Association, do they both have the right to vote on issues at the business meetings?
Yes, the right to vote is reserved for active members of the NCAMC, which includes both the Clerk and Deputy Clerk. The NCAMC Constitution contains additional information.
If I relocate to another municipality as clerk, does my membership stay with me?
No, the membership stays with the City.
What is the Minute by Minute?
The Minute by Minute is a newsletter published by the NCAMC to provide information to our members on a monthly basis.
Who do I contact if my town wants to post an advertisement for a Clerk or Deputy Clerk position on the NCAMC website?
John Phelps at jphelps@nclm.org or by phone (919) 715-3920.
215 North Dawson Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
P.O. Box 3069
Does the NCAMC have an on-line store where I might purchase items with the NCAMC logo?
No, however, specialty items such as polo shirts with our logo are usually offered for sale at our conferences and training events.
3. Mentor FAQs
How do I either sign up for a mentor or sign up to be paired with a mentor?
The NCAMC ensures that assistance and resources for its members is only a click away on its Web site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or a phone call away to other members anywhere in the state. Additionally, the NCAMC “We Share Our Services” Committee (WSOS) pairs new clerks with veteran clerks to provide an experienced resource for newcomers to this time-honored profession.
4. Volunteer FAQs
What are the different areas in which I can get involved?
- Volunteer to serve on a Committee.
- Volunteer to serve as a Committee Chair.
- Apply to serve as a District Director.
- Apply to serve as an Officer of the Association.
- Volunteer to serve as a host clerk for conferences and regional clerk schools.
- If you are an experienced clerk, volunteer to serve as a mentor.
What committees are available?
- Finance Committee
- Leaving a Green Legacy Committee
- Legislative Committee
- Membership Committee
- N.C. League of Municipalities Board Member
- N.C. League of Municipalities Committee Members
- Nominating Committee
- Program and Education Committee
- Publicity Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Site Selection Committee
- State Certification Committee
- Website Committee
- WSOS (We Share Our Services) Mentoring Committee
- Special Ad Hoc Committees appointed by the President
What is Clerk Net and how do I subscribe?
Clerk Net is the North Carolina Municipal Clerks Listserv, and a very large percentage of North Carolina Clerks participate. The Listserv is a forum where you have access to all the experience and knowledge of the Clerks across the State. You may post questions, ask for assistance with writing assignments, request sample proclamations and other documents, as well as provide this courtesy in return. In addition, the forum is monitored by the NC League of Municipalities and the UNC School of Government, who provide expert advice on questions related to law or pending legislation. Our monitors also post important information to our forum regarding pending and current actions in the General Assembly that may affect our communities. Subscribe to Clerk Net.