Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks


Relocating usually means making new friends, getting accustomed to a new home and surroundings, finding a hairstylist who can do at least half as well as the one you left behind, and making the ever-so-desired trip to the DMV office to change your driver’s license. 

For Veronica Hardaway, it also meant a new career field.  A native of Walden, New York, Veronica moved to Smithfield, North Carolina in May 2012.  She brought with her over 11 years’ experience as an Administrative Assistant in healthcare, and her most recent position before moving to North Carolina was as an Executive Assistant to the President & CEO of Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties, Inc.  In August of 2012, Veronica was offered a position as an Administrative Assistant with the Town of Smithfield.  She subsequently became the Deputy Town Clerk in 2013.  From there, she accepted a position as Town Clerk for Angier in March 2017. Veronica has embraced this new career, seeking to learn all she can about the role and duties of a Municipal Clerk.  She is a graduate of the 2016 UNC School of Government Clerks’ Certification Program and received her CMC certification in May 2017. 

When asked about her position with the Town of Angier, Veronica states she enjoys working with the Mayor, Board of Commissioners, Manager, Staff, and all the citizens.  She looks forward to seeing the growth and new opportunities coming to town.  Downtown Angier has had continued revitalization, including construction of the Crepe Myrtle Pavilion, which is a stage in the center of town where  music and other events are held, all within walking distance.  Additionally, a new Parks and Recreation multipurpose building was undertaken to house office space, concessions, and restrooms at the beautiful Jack Marley Park. 

If you’ve met Veronica, you know that she is a down-to-earth person who is easy to befriend.  No doubt, the citizens of Angier have discovered this as well!  Veronica resides in Angier with her husband, Chet, to whom she’s been married to for 13 years, her sons Alex (12) and Logan (11), and her two Dachshunds, Bella and Watson.