Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks


To implement the planting of a location appropriate tree in the city of the previous year's Clerk of the Year recipient hon her municipality, her community and the NCAMC.



The Leaving A Green Legacy Committee is comprised of six members - two from the Western part of the State, two from the Eastern part of the State, and two from the Central part of the State. (Advisor is Second Vice President)

RESPONSIBILITY ted regarding the planning and implications of the guidelines.



1. The Committee will solicit tree donations from nurseries, landscapers, arbor and beautification associations as needed.

2. The Committee will develop wording for the commemorative plaque and implement the purchase and installation of the same.

3. The Committee working with appropriate Staff and officials in the designated municipality to purchase and plant an appropriate tree with the commemorative plaque honoring the Clerk of the Year recipient in the location of their choosing.