Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks


To select recipients for the IIMC Certification School scholarships, to select recipients for the college scholarship sponsored by the Association, and to seek new sources for scholarship funds.

President, Immediate Past President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Program and Education Committee Chairperson, with the President serving as chairperson. At the President’s discretion one or more non-clerks can be selected by the President to serve on the committee when choosing the recipient of the college scholarship.

To inform municipal clerks of scholarships available through the Association by providing information on eligibility and application procedures.
To collect and review applications for eligibility.
To select scholarship recipients and make awards based on criteria as established by the Board of Directors. (See Appendixes for information on eligibility and application process for scholarships.)


College Scholarship

  1. Each year, the President, acting as chairperson, shall inform municipal clerks of the available college scholarship, eligibility requirements, and application procedures as spelled out by the Board of Directors.  (See Appendix A and application).  This may be done through the Association newsletter, the Association website or through the Clerk’s listserv.
  2. After April 15, the deadline for submitting applications, the President, acting as chairperson, shall notify the committee members (including non-clerk members) and provide them with copies of all applications for the college scholarships received for their review.
  3. Before the June Board of Directors meeting, the President, acting as chairperson, shall meet with the committee to select college scholarship recipient(s) based on eligibility and criteria for award as set by the Board of Directors (see Appendix A).
  4. As soon as possible before the Annual Conference, the Board of Directors shall be informed of the committee's selections as to the scholarships.  Announcement of selections will be made to the membership by the President at the Annual Conference business meeting.
  5. Scholarship funds should be dispersed to the recipient prior to the beginning of the school year for which the scholarship was awarded.  The President shall provide the Secretary/Treasurer with letters awarding the scholarships so that a check may be enclosed.




  1. The scholarship is sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC);
  2. The scholarship shall be for attendance at any recognized college, university or trade school;
  3. The amount of the scholarship is $1,000.


  1. The applicant shall maintain a grade average consistent with good standing in high school and with expectations of admission to a recognized institution or, if already attending a recognized institution of higher education, with good standing at that institution;
  2. Participation in extracurricular activities in school and community;
  3. Good character;
  4. The applicant must have been accepted for admission at the institution of choice for the academic year for which the scholarship application is submitted;
  5. Submission of completed application to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks, providing complete information as requested on the application, prior to the deadline of April 15 of any year.
  6. The scholarship is open to anyone pursuing a higher education and is not restricted to relatives of members of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks.




On July 12, 1983, the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC) voted to establish a Scholarship Fund to assist municipal clerks in attending the IIMC Certification School at the Institute of Government, now part of the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  NCAMC will award scholarships to clerks, payable to their employer, in the amount of up to $300.00.


A municipal clerk must apply by completing the application provided by the IIMC Institute Director during the first week long session of the course.  The applicant must be a current member of the NCAMC, currently employed as a municipal clerk, or deputy clerk, or qualify as an Active Member of NCAMC per the constitution.  


The Scholarship Fund will be administered by the Board of Directors of the NCAMC.  Applications are available at the School of Government during the first week long session of the course.  The IIMC Institute Director shall submit all applications to the NCAMC President on or before April 15, in advance of the June Board of Directors meeting.


The Board of Directors has delegated to the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Immediate Past President, and Program/Education Committee Chairperson the authority to select recipients each year.  The selection will be at the discretion of the above and will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Demonstrated interest and ambition to attend the IIMC Certification School;
  2. Financial need;
  3. Years of experience as a municipal clerk;
  4. Present and past service to the NCAMC;
  5. Active membership in the Association.


Following selection, the Scholarship Committee will report on the recipients to the NCAMC Board of Directors.  The President shall prepare notification letters and send them to the NCAMC Secretary/Treasurer so that the check can be enclosed.

Refer to the scholarships page for applications.