Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks


To collect and compile for distribution information of interest to municipal clerks about the Association and the administration of the clerk’s office.


The Publicity Committee shall consist of the following members appointed by the President and shall perform their respective duties independently under the President as follows:

  • Newsletter Coordinator (Chairperson)
  • Annual Report Coordinator
  • Birthday/Events Calendar Coordinator
  • News Release Coordinator
  • Scrapbook Coordinator
  • Web Site Coordinator


Newsletter Coordinator


To coordinate and prepare for printing the Association's monthly newsletter.


  1. Serve as chairperson of the Publicity Committee.
  2. Solicit dates, location, time, and information regarding meetings and educational opportunities available to clerks from officers, directors, and committee chairpersons as soon as possible after the Annual Conference and periodically thereafter during the year.  Provide this information to the News Release Coordinator.
  3. Collect news articles for inclusion in the monthly newsletter by the 10th of each month.
  4. Assemble news for newsletter between the 10th and 15th of each month and prepare "camera-ready" copy.  If news items are in short supply, contact President for guidance.
  5. Mail "camera-ready" copy of the newsletter to the League staff coordinator by the 15th of each month for printing and distribution.
  6. Make routine reports to the governing body as requested by the President at the January Clerks’ School, the Annual Conference, and Board of Directors’ meetings.
  7. Mail or fax news releases from IIMC regarding clerks who have obtained their CMC or MMC status to the News Release Coordinator.
  8. Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
  9. The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.



To develop an annual report using information solicited from officers, directors, and committee chairpersons, to be completed and distributed at the Annual Conference.


  1. Contact all officers, directors, and committee chairpersons to let them know you are responsible for compiling and publishing the annual report.
  2. Obtain a biographical sketch and picture from all officers and directors (all information should be solicited and returned to the coordinator by June 1).
  3. Keep articles and materials on goals and accomplishments of the Association and prepare articles for inclusion in the annual report.
  4. Cost estimates of the annual report should be submitted to the President for approval.
  5. All articles should be written and "camera-ready" copy of the annual report should be sent to the printer no later than 45 days prior to the Annual Conference.
  6. Annual report should be distributed at the Annual Conference to those in attendance and mailed to remaining members.



Prepare for publication in the newsletter a two-month calendar of events and birthdays to be sent to the Newsletter Coordinator by the 10th of each month.


Prepare a “camera-ready” two-month calendar on 8 1/2 x 11 paper that includes events, meetings, NCAMC schools and training sessions, and birthdays of clerks (obtained from the membership directory and supplemented by information from the Secretary/Treasurer) and submit to the Newsletter Coordinator by the 10th of each month.  (Example:  By the 10th of October, prepare a November/December calendar, and by the 10th of November, prepare a December/January calendar.)



Inform the League’s Public Affairs Director via news releases of upcoming meetings and events and accomplishments of clerks, including information on clerks who receive their CMC or MMC designation.  Submit information to the editor of the News Digest (IIMC newsletter) regarding upcoming Association meetings and events and accomplishments of the Association.  Write news releases for local newspapers about activities of the Association and/or individual members.


  1.  As soon as possible following the Annual Conference, prepare news releases about the newly elected officers and directors.  These should be forwarded to the new officers and directors for publication in their local newspaper, or ideally mailed directly to the individual clerk’s hometown newspaper as well as the IIMC.
  2. Prepare news releases on various meetings of the Association and provide to the appropriate news media.  (Example: local newspaper of town where regional school is held).
  3. Obtain from the Newsletter Coordinator information on clerks who receive their CMC or MMC designation and send information to the League’s Public Affairs Director.
  4. Obtain information on upcoming meetings from Program and Education Committee Chairperson and Newsletter Coordinator, prepare news release and send to the League’s Public Affairs Director and the editor of the IIMC News Digest.  (Note that items must be submitted to the IIMC News Digest at least 3 months in advance in order to be included on the calendar.)
  5. Obtain information on accomplishments of clerks from Newsletter Coordinator and send news release to the League’s Public Affairs Director.
  6. Prepare news release on Annual Conference and any major accomplishment of the Association and send to the editor of the IIMC News Digest.

Scrapbook Coordinator


To obtain programs from meetings, take pictures at events, and prepare the official scrapbook.


  1. Attend meetings of the Association including Annual Conference, Clerks’ School, Regional Schools, miscellaneous committee meetings, and Board of Directors’ meetings to take pictures and obtain a copy of the program.  If unable to attend, another Publicity Committee member should be asked to fill in and report to the Scrapbook Coordinator after the event.
  2. Appropriate information including pictures, news articles and related materials should be included in the scrapbook.
  3. The scrapbook should be completed and delivered to the League staff liaison by the Annual Conference.  All other materials are to be turned over to the incoming Publicity Committee Chairperson by the Annual Conference.


To maintain and update the website of the Association.


During or as soon as possible after the Annual Conference, schedule a training session with the previous Website Coordinator to obtain training on the maintenance and upkeep of the site and develop an understanding of who is responsible for each area.During or as soon as possible after the Annual Conference, meet with the President to see if there are any changes that he or she would like to make to the present format of the website.As soon as possible after the Annual Conference, update the Officers, Board of Directors, and committee members on the website.As soon as possible after the Annual Conference, obtain a calendar of events for the upcoming year from the newly installed President and post it on the website.Items to be posted on the website include, but are not limited to:  President’s Message; link to e-mail of Officers and Board Members; listing of Officers, Board of Directors and committee members; calendar of events; listing of committees and their responsibilities; Constitution; MORE Manual; IIMC Certification School scholarship application; WSOS application; and college scholarship application.