Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks


To monitor state and federal legislation affecting the municipal clerk and to propose legislation and/or coordinate efforts for or against such legislation consistent with the Legislative Goals and Policies of the N.C. League of Municipalities and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.


To study and become familiar with all legislation which affects or has the potential of affecting the municipal clerk whether it be to add duties or to change legal requirements within the jurisdiction of the clerk's office.


N.C. League Board Member (chairperson), IIMC Board Member (if applicable), and other members as appointed by the President.


  1. Contact IIMC and ask to be put on the mailing list for federal legislation affecting clerks.
  2. Monitor N.C. League of Municipalities and Institute of Government publications relative to state legislation in progress.
  3. Be aware of legislative goals and policies of the N.C. League of Municipalities.
  4. Survey Association members for input as to legislative action which would benefit the municipal clerk.  Any legislation proposed by the Association would be submitted to the N.C. League of Municipalities for proper channeling through the policy committee process.
  5. Support and encourage response to action calls by the N.C. League of Municipalities.
  6. Make regular reports to Association membership through the newsletter, correspondence, and at meetings.
  7. Summarize year's events for Annual Report and provide picture to the Annual Report coordinator by June 1.
  8. The Chairperson, prior to the expiration of his or her term, shall review this portion of the Association Handbook and furnish the incoming President with written recommendations that would improve the efficiency of the committee based on experience in working with these guidelines.