Welcome to the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks
Message from the President
For those of you who were not able to attend the 2024 Installation Banquet I want to explain this year’s theme, “One Person Can Make a Difference”. Being in my role as a Clerk for over twelve years now, I look back at my experiences and realize how this position continues to make a difference in so many ways. I would like to share a story with you that reminds me of this.
Once upon a time, a wise man would visit the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking along the beach before starting his work. One day, as he walked, he saw a figure in the distance, moving in a way that made him think of a dancer. Curious, he quickened his pace to catch up.
As he got closer, he realized that the figure was not dancing at all but was instead a young man reaching down to the shore, picking up starfish, and throwing them back into the ocean.
“Good morning!” the wise man called out. “May I ask what you are doing?” The young man looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish into the ocean.”
“Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?” the wise man asked. The young man answered, “The sun is up, and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”
The wise man looked around and said, “But there are miles and miles of beach and countless starfish. You can’t possibly make a difference!” The young man bent down, picked up another starfish, and tossed it into the water. As it splashed into the ocean, he said, “It made a difference to that one.”
I share this story because, every day, clerks like you are making a difference.
Clerks receive calls from citizens in distress. You listen with patience, understanding, and provide them with the resources they need. One person can make a difference—you make a difference!
Clerks are civic leaders who ensure their communities are well informed and have opportunities for civic engagement. One person can make a difference—you make a difference!
Clerks equip their elected officials with the tools and resources they need to succeed for the betterment of the municipality. One person can make a difference—you make a difference!
The clerk role is one of the oldest professions and so vital to a municipality’s success that it is statutorily required. One person can make a difference—you make a difference!
My hope is to inspire you to realize the difference you make every day you go to work.
As the 2024-25 North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks President, I promise to have a voice for leadership. My leadership style is focused on engagement and collaboration. I speak for fostering respect and creating a positive climate. I will deliver open and honest communications and be an advocate for listening to diverse points of view. It is my hope that people will experience my empathy and willingness to support them as a strength of my leadership. Another one of my leadership strengths is my resilience and initiative to foresee and respond to change. I will be forward-thinking with innovative suggestions for the greater good. I believe positive outcomes can only be great and work out when people work together. I will be a leader who provides guidance and who follows through on my promises. I will shine a light of leadership in all my experiences – and this will be my legacy.
Sabrena Reinhardt, Town of Leland – President
The following individuals were elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the NCAMC for 2024-2025:
Sabrena Reinhardt, Town of Leland – President
Linda Christopher, Village of Whispering Pines – First Vice President
Brenda Blanco, City of New Bern – Second Vice President
Venus Durant, Fayetteville Public Works Commission - Recording Secretary
Sarah Radcliff, Immediate Past President
Baxter Wells, North Carolina League of Municipalities – Secretary/Treasurer
Sabrena Reinhardt, Town of Leland – President